Arts Datathon: Collections will take place on Friday, April 27, 2018. This year we will focus on collections data, offering participants several different tracks to work on projects related to civic art, street art, veterans memorabilia, music, cultural assets, and historic architecture. Learn more about each of the eight project tracks this year.
Arts Datathon brings together local arts agencies with artists, arts administrators, educators, students, community advocates, researchers, and professionals in culture, museums and urban planning to address the question of improving access to the arts. Together we explore the data that are available to find out what we know. At the end of the each event, we have a greater understanding of the present and future of arts and culture programming, infrastructure, and policy across the Los Angeles region. We also learn much about how we can put the data to work.
The theme of last year’s datathon was arts access. To find out more about the Arts Access Datathon 2017, read the final report and toolkit.